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论文题目 所有作者 刊物名称 刊物级别 发表日期 卷号 期号 页码范围 ISSN
Glutinous rice fermented with  Fu brick tea: effects on phenolic content, antioxidant activities and DNA  damage protection 徐笑(2019000056),沈赤(2010000009) FASEB J 核心期刊 2020-04-20 34 1-2
Teosin, a novel basic shell  matrix protein from Hyriopsis cumingii induces calcium carbonate polycrystal  formation 金参(2019000061),刘晓军,李家乐 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Ⅰ区 2020-05-01 150 1229-1237
养分增加对蓝莓根部真菌群落的影响 何逸菲,唐卓菲,黄昕怡,颜劲,吴朱杰,KABORE Marthur  Fabirce,孙立夫(2010000823),张艳华(2010000817) 绍兴文理学院学报 核心期刊(北大版) 2020-08-12 40 85-90 1008-293X
珍珠粉改善黄酒的品质 韩继卫(2010001553),郑大恒(2010000832),罗文(2010000143),彭祺(2014000070),孙剑秋(2010000842) 现代食品科技 核心期刊 2020-06-01 1673-9078 343-348
Recent developments of  two-dimensional graphene-based composites in visible-light photocatalysis for  eliminating persistent organic pollutants from wastewater 张塞,胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Ⅰ区 2020-06-15 390 6 124642 1385-8947
Synergistic removal and  reduction of U(VI) and Cr(VI) by Fe3S4 micro-cryst 杨姗也,胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 入选ESI热点论文 2020-04-01 385 4 123909 1385-8947
Synergistic removal and  reduction of U(VI) and Cr(VI) by Fe3S4 micro-crystal 杨姗也,胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Ⅰ区 2020-04-01 385 4 123909 1385-8947
Recent developments of doped  g-C3N4 photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants 刘晓璐,胡保卫(2010000011) CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Ⅰ区 2020-03-10 11 3 173443 1064-3389
Synthesis of flexible  cross-linked cryptomelane-type manganese oxide nanowire membranes and their  application for U(VI) and Eu(III) elimination from 鄞玲,胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 高被引论文 2020-02-01 381 2 122744 1385-8947
Synthesis of flexible  cross-linked cryptomelane-type manganese oxide nanowire membranes and their  application for U(VI) and Eu(III) elimination from solutions 鄞玲,胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Ⅰ区 2020-02-01 381 2 122744 1385-8947
Persimmon tannin  functionalized polyacrylonitrile fiber for highly efficient and selective  recovery of Au(III) from aqueous 刘风雷(202000095) Chemosphere Ⅱ区 2020-09-26 264 1-9
Short-term Nitrogen Removal  Rate by Mixture of Aquatic Plants in different Hydraulic Retention Times of  Constructed Wetlands 谭丽亚,张耀红(2014000083),王海(2012000048) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Ⅳ区 2020-09-17 29 09 7335-7341
Shh-Yap signaling controls  hepatic ductular reactions in CCl4-induced liver injury 金立方(2010000824),闫俊艳(2018000042),胡保卫(2010000011) Environmental toxicology Ⅱ区 2020-09-01 23025 1-10
Gant61 ameliorates  CCl4-induced liver fibrosis by inhibition of Hedgehog signaling activity 沈家园(0052019383),闫俊艳(2018000042),Wei xiangzhen,Liu  Zuping,倪坚(2010000818),胡保卫(2010000011),金立方(2010000824) TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY Ⅱ区 2020-06-15 387 114853
Hedgehog signaling pathway  regulates hexavalent chromium-induced liver fibrosis by activation of hepatic  stellate cells 闫俊艳(2018000042),胡保卫(2010000011),金立方(2010000824) Toxicology letter Ⅱ区 2020-05-01 320 1-8
PM2.5 collecting in a tire  manufacturing plant affects epithelial differentiation of human umbilical  cord derived mesenchymal stem cells by Wnt/beta-catenin pathway 闫俊艳(2018000042),金立方(2010000824),胡保卫(2010000011) Chemosphere Ⅱ区 2020-04-01 244 125441
Impacts of organic  fertilization with a drip irrigation system on bacterial and fungal  communities in cotton field 陶瑞(2018000083),李君(2018000084),褚贵新(2018000034) AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS Ⅰ区 2020-06-16 6 102820
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria  are sensitive and not resilient to organic amendment and nitrapyrin  disturbances, but ammonia-oxidizing archaea are resistant 陶瑞(2018000083),李君(2018000084),褚贵新(2018000034) Geoderma Ⅰ区 2020-11-11 2 114814
不同消毒剂作用于富里酸生成羰基类化合物的情况 仲鑫(2019000025) 中国给水排水 核心期刊(北大版) 2020-02-16 36 3 32-38 1000-4602
A 2‐year study of the impact  of reduced nitrogen application combined with double inhibitors on soil  nitrogen transformation and wheat productivity under drip irrigation 陶瑞(2018000083),李君(2018000084),褚贵新(2018000034) JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Ⅱ区 2020-09-05 10 10
The fabrication of 3D  hierarchical flower-like δ-MnO2@COF nanocomposites for the efficient and  ultra-fast removal of UO22+ ions from aqueous solution 仲鑫(2019000025),胡保卫(2010000011) Environmental Science: Nano Ⅰ区 2020-10-05 7 11 3205-3630
The magnetic covalent organic  framework as a platform for high performance extraction of Cr(VI) and  bisphenol a from aqueous solution 仲鑫(2019000025),胡保卫(2010000011) Journal of Hazardous Materials Ⅰ区 2020-07-05 393 122353
Highly efficient enrichment  mechanism of U(VI) and Eu(III) by covalent organic frameworks with  intramolecular hydrogen-bonding from solutions 仲鑫(2019000025),胡保卫(2010000011) Applied Surface Science Ⅰ区 2020-05-28 504 144403
Adsorption of Cr(VI) from  Aqueous Solution by Biochar-clay Derived from Clay and Peanut Shell 王海(2012000048),阳柠灿,邱木清(2010000825) Journal of Inorganic Materials EI 2020-03-01 35 3 301-308
Adsorption process of ammonia  nitrogen in solution by the modified biochar from corn straw 徐若林,韩丽(2010001910),张浩,秦瑞,张伶俐,邱木清(2010000825) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI 2020-03-18 19 1 333-338
Adsorption of Pb(II) in  Aqueous Solution by the Modified Biochar Derived from Corn Straw with  Magnesium Chloride 黄可缘,王海(2012000048),韩丽(2010001910) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI 2020-09-12 19 3 1273-1278
The removal of phosphorus in  solution by the magnesium modified biochar from bamboo 代婧,郑西桐,王宏,张浩,张伶俐,林天镖,秦瑞,邱木清(2010000825) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI 2020-03-13 19 1 389-393
根枝藻生物炭对水溶液中U(VI)的吸附特性研究 郑均丽,李莹莹,王斌梁(2019000015),胡保卫(2010000011) 绍兴文理学院学报 核心期刊(北大版) 2020-09-11 10 0003 1008-293X
Sequence characterization and  phylogenetic analysis of mitogenome of the Acanthorhodeus chankaensis  Dybowsky from Cao e River 许海方,杨膨鲒,戴文洁,杨受保(2010000828) MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B Ⅳ区 2020-01-14 5 1 545-547
Identification and phylogenetic analysis of  the mitochondrial genome of Hemibarbus labeo BML Cypriniformes Cyprinidae 孙雨婷,王其霖,任江峰,杨受保(2010000828) Mitochondrial DNA Part B Ⅳ区 2020-06-06 5 3 2655-2657
Characterization and  phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Sarcocheilichthys  sinensis Bleeker from Baima Hu Lake 龚璐蓉,鲁约熙,谷莉珍,董丽慧,任江峰,杨受保(2010000828) MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B Ⅳ区 2020-01-14 5 1 541-542
Channa argus BMH from Baima Hu Lake  sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome 柳敏彦,尹军霞(2010000821),韩继卫(2010001553),任江峰,杨受保(2010000828) MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B Ⅳ区 2020-06-11 5 3 2413–2415
Molecular identification and  phylogenetic analysis of the mitogenome of Solenaia oleivora MG 陈鹏宇,李丹妮,陈旭旭,张根芳,杨受保(2010000828) Mitochondrial DNA Part B Ⅳ区 2020-07-14 5 3 2799-2801
Efficient removal of U(VI)  from aqueous solutions using the magnetic biochar derived from the biomass of  a bloom-forming cyanobacterium (Microcystis aeruginosa) 王斌梁(2019000015),李莹莹,郑钧丽,胡祎玮(2019000014),王晓军(2010000764),胡保卫(2010000011) Chemosphere Ⅱ区 2020-04-28 2020 1-11
高温和HgCl2  复合处理对水稻花期生理特性和水通道蛋白基因表达的影响 莫亿伟(2013000030),潘伟槐(2010000811),郭天荣(2010000822) 湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版) 核心期刊(北大版) 2020-03-10 3 262–270
Discrimination of  geographical origin of camellia seed oils using electronic nose  characteristics and chemometrics 彭祺(2014000070),徐琴霞,Bealu,王家桢,王兰,钱斌,周建弟,吴建江,王佳丽,丁银军 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PROTECTION AND FOOD SAFETY Ⅳ区 2020-09-01 15 263-270
Microscopic insights into  pH-dependent adsorption of Cd(II) on molybdenum disulfide nanosheets 董丽佳(2016000049),郭筱洁,李雪(2010001549),陈朝贵(2015000029),金阳(2010000859),AHMED  Alsaedi,TASAWAr Hayat,赵轻舟,盛国栋(2012000052) 无机材料学报 一级期刊 2020-03-01 3 293-299 1000-324X
Sorption Behaviors and  Mechanisms of Eu(III) on Rice Straw-derived Biochar 董丽佳(2016000049),吴思颖,李生波,魏作富,杨国(2013000059),胡保卫(2010000011) 无机材料学报 一级期刊 2020-03-01 3 390-398 1000-324X
Adsorption and mechanistic  study of the invasive plant-derived biochar functionalized with CaAl-LDH for  Eu(III) in water 李生波,董丽佳(2016000049),魏作富,盛国栋(2012000052),杜奎,胡保卫(2010000011) Journal of Environmental Sciences Ⅱ区 2020-05-01 96 1 127-137
Removal of Azo Dyes Reactive  Brilliant Red X-3B by Zero-valent iron Enhanced by a Weak Magnetic Field:  Efficiency and Mechanism 梁丽萍(2014000062),Qian Wu,Yuanyuan Xue, Fenfen Xi,Qian  Wang,Yuting Zhang, Liubiao Cheng,孟旭(2014000063) Journal of Environmental Engineering Ⅳ区 2020-10-30 146 10 04020110  1-11
Adsorption of Azo Dye Acid  Red 73 onto Rice Wine Lees: Adsorption Kinetics and Isotherms. 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Ⅳ区 2020-02-26 2020 2020 1-8
Adsorption of Azo Dye  Malachite Green onto Rice Wine Lees: Kinetic and Adsorption Isotherms 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI 2020-01-30 19 2 563-570
Adsorption of dye Reactive  Brilliant Red X-3B by rice wine lees from aqueous solutions 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI 2020-01-01 3 19 1085-1093
Efficiency and mechanisms of  rhodamine B degradation in Fenton-like systems based on zero-valent iron 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) RSC Advances Ⅲ区 2020-08-04 10 48 28509-28515 2046-2069
Removal of reactive brilliant  red X-3B by a weak magnetic field enhanced Fenton-like system with  zero-valent iron 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) RSC Advances Ⅲ区 2020-09-06 10 54 32671-32677 2046-2069
零价铁PRB去除活性艳红X-3B的性能和机理研究 梁丽萍(2014000062) 绍兴文理学院学报(自然科学) 核心期刊(北大版) 2020-02-01 40 2 33-39 1008-293x
Polyphosphate fertilizers  increased maize (Zea mays L.) P, Fe, Zn, 褚贵新(2018000034) Journal of Soils and Sediments Ⅱ区 2020-04-26 20 1 1-11
呼娟娟,陶 瑞,褚贵新.  有机无机肥配合生化抑制剂抑制土壤有机碳的转化. 2020, 26(1): 19–31 doi: 10.11674/zwyf.19031 胡娟娟,陶瑞(2018000083),褚贵新(2018000034) 植物营养与肥料学报 一级期刊 2020-01-26 26 1 19-31
亢龙飞,王 静,朱丽娜,褚贵新.  不同形态磷酸盐及施用方式对石灰性土壤磷移动性和有效性的影响. doi: 10.11674/zwyf.19436 亢龙飞,王静,褚贵新(2018000034) 植物营养与肥料学报 一级期刊 2020-07-26 26 1179-1181 2020,
The complete chloroplast  genome of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. (Asteraceae) 李鸿慧,杨国(2013000048) Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2020-05-13 3 2060–2061 1940-1744
Sex-Related Differences in  Growth, Herbivory, and Defense of Two Salix Species 杨国(2013000048),徐强,李薇,凌嘉昊,李小平,尹佟明 forests Ⅱ区 2020-04-16 4 1-13
Response of N2O emission to  manure application in field trials of agricultural soil across the globe 夏芳(2020000085) science of the total environment Ⅰ区 2020-09-01 733 139390
Insight into efficient  removal of Cr(VI) by magnetite immobilized with Lysinibacillus sp. JLT12:  Mechanism and performance 朱余玲(2010000841),胡保卫(2010000011) Chemosphere Ⅱ区 2020-08-26 262 12790
中国东部沿海中小型河流鱼类的遗传多样性评价——以曹娥江为例 任岗(2010000835),宣鑫玲,谢亚婷,李碧莹,陈旻,蔡亚军,沈文英(2010000815) 水生生物学报 一级期刊 2020-01-31 44 1 68-75
A novel tyrosinase gene plays  a potential role in modification the shell organic matrix of the triangle  mussel Hyriopsis cumingii 任岗(2010000835),陈超,金叶飞(2010000831),张根芳,胡祎玮(2019000014),沈文英(2010000815) Frontiers in Physiology Ⅱ区 2020-02-19 11 100
Histological and comparative  transcriptome analyses provide insights into the immune response in pearl sac  formation of Hyriopsis cumingii 沈文英(2010000815),胡祎玮(2019000014),何铮凯,徐欣悦,许舒婷,张根芳,任岗(2010000835) Frontiers in Marine Science Ⅱ区 2020-04-30 7 256
Multistarter fermentation of  glutinous rice with Fu brick tea: Effects on microbial, chemical, and  volatile compositions 徐笑(2019000056) Food Chemistry Ⅰ区 2020-03-30 309 125790
Species  diversity  and  community  composition  of  endophytic  fungi  from  Alsophila spinulosa 臧威(2010000843),孙剑秋(2010000842) 菌物学报(原:菌物系统) 一级期刊 2020-04-20 4 731-742 1672-6472
A new species of Coccomyces  from Guizhou Province of China 臧威(2010000843),孙剑秋(2010000842) Phytotaxa Ⅳ区 2020-05-15 1 23-32
Properties of CaO2 for H2O2  release and phosphate removal and its feasibility in controlling Microcystis  blooms 胡祎玮(2019000014),沈靓,任宣绮,毕永红,胡保卫(2010000011),王斌梁(2019000015) Environmental Science and Pollution Research Ⅲ区 2020-06-15 27 35239–35248
Comparative analysis of  kinetics and mechanisms for Pb(II) sorption onto three kinds of microplastics 林朱珂拉,胡祎玮(2019000014),袁轶君,胡保卫(2010000011),王斌梁(2019000015) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Ⅰ区 2020-09-30 2021 111451
Influence of different yeast  strains on the quality of fermented greengage 韩雪源(2019000026),赵宇瑛,胡保卫(2010000011),杨浣漪(2018000046),彭祺(2014000070),田润刚(2010000812) LWT - Food Science and Technology Ⅰ区 2020-05-10 126 109292
influnence of different  carbohydrate sources on physicochemical properties and metabolites of  fermented greengage (Prunus mume) wines 韩雪源(2019000026),彭祺(2014000070),杨浣漪(2018000046),胡保卫(2010000011),沈赤(2010000009),田润刚(2010000812) LWT - Food Science and Technology Ⅰ区 2020-03-10 121 108929
Use of physiological and  transcriptome analysis to infer the interactions between Saccharomyces  cerevisiae and Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis isolated from Chinese  traditional sourdoughs 杨浣漪(2018000046),Faizan A. Sadiq,刘同杰,张国华,何国庆 LWT-Food Science and Technology Ⅰ区 2020-03-16 126 109268
Intraspecific diversity and  fermentative properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Chinese traditional  sourdough 杨浣漪(2018000046),刘同杰,张国华,何国庆 LWT-Food Science and Technology Ⅰ区 2020-02-21 124 109195
日本沼虾肌抑素前体肽在枯草芽孢杆菌的表达及其对生长效果的影响 章晓栋(2010000844),任岗(2010000835),沈文英(2010000815) 水生生物学报 一级期刊 2020-01-08 44 44-49 1000-3207
Aluminum-based metal-organic  frameworks (CAU-1) highly efficient UO22+ and TcO4− ions  immobilization from aqueous solution 仲鑫(2019000025),胡保卫(2010000011) Journal of Hazardous Materials Ⅰ区 2020-11-30 407 124729 124729 0304-3894



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