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论文题目 所有作者 刊物名称 刊物级别 发表日期 ISSN 刊物发行类型
桃形李果实丝衣霉菌的分离、鉴定、生物学特性及其防治 莫亿伟(2013000030) 农业生物技术学报 一级期刊 2019-11-20 1674-7968 国内学术刊物
Removal of Cr(VI) from acid  mine drainage with clay-biochar composite 王海(2012000048),陈国和(2010000827),黄承才(2010000819) DESALIN WATER TREAT 其它 2019-10-01 1944-3994 国外学术刊物
Mechanistic investigation of  U(VI) sequestration by zero-valent iron/activated carbon composites Wang,Min,朱余玲(2010000841),胡保卫(2010000011) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNA 其它 2019-02-21 1385-8947
Slow released  nutrient-immobilized biochar: A novel permeable reactive barrier filler for  Cr(VI) removal 朱余玲(2010000841),胡保卫(2010000011) JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 其它 2019-01-21 0167-7322
Removal of Cr(VI) from  Wastewater by Lysinibacillus sp. Immobilized Magnetite 朱余玲(2010000841) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-01-21 0972-6268
Synergetic Effects of  Zero-valent Iron and Morganella morganii on the Removal of Cr(VI) from  Wastewater 朱余玲(2010000841) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-01-21 0972-6268
Purification, Molecular  Cloning and Expression of Three Key Saponin Hydrolases from Trichoderma  reesei, Trichoderma viride and Aspergillusfumigatus 朱余玲(2010000841) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-02-21 0972-6268
performance of selenate  removal by biochar embedded nano zero valent iron and the biological  toxicity to Escherichia coli 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) RSC Advance 其它 2019-08-14 2046-2069
Hedgehog信号通路对肝脏损伤修复作用的研究进展 金立方(2010000824),倪坚(2010000818),胡保卫(2010000011) 细胞生物学杂志(更名:中国细胞生物学学报) 一级期刊 2019-08-01 1674-7666
N-acetylcysteine attenuates  PM2.5-induced apoptosis by ROS-mediated Nrf2 pathway in human embryonic stem  cells 金立方(2010000824),胡保卫(2010000011),闫俊艳(2018000042) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 其它 2019-02-01 0048-9697
Characterization of  molybdenum disulfide nanomaterial and its excellent sorption abilities for  two heavy metals in aqueous media 董丽佳(2016000049),赵宝山(2012000060),胡保卫(2010000011) SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 其它 2019-04-13 0149-6395
Ultrahigh sorption and  reduction of Cr(VI) by two novel core-shell composites combined with Fe3O4  and MoS2 Shanye Yang,Qian Li,Liang Chen,Zhongshan Chen,Zengxin  Pu,Huihui Wang,Shujun Yu,胡保卫(2010000011),Jianrong Chen,Xiangke Wang Journal of hazardous materials 其它 2019-06-11 0304-3894 国外学术刊物
Visible-light-driven  N-2-g-C3N4 as a highly stable and efficient photocatalyst for bisphenol A and  Cr(VI) removal in binary systems Huihui Wang,Qian Li,Sai Zhang,Zhongshan Chen,Weixue  Wanga,Guixia Zhao,Li Zhuang,胡保卫(2010000011),Xiangke Wang CATALYSIS TODAY 其它 2019-01-18 0920-5861 国外学术刊物
Adsorptive and reductive  removal of U(VI) by Dictyophora indusiate-derived biochar supported sulfide  NZVI from wastewater Hongwei Pang,Zhuofan Diao,Xiangxue Wang,Yan Ma,Shujun  Yu,Hongtao Zhu,Zhongshan Chen,胡保卫(2010000011),Jianrong Chen,Xiangke Wang CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 其它 2019-01-14 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
Visible-light-driven  activation of persulfate over cyano and hydroxyl group co-modified mesoporous  g-C3N4 for boosting bisphenol A degradation Sai Zhang,Shuang Song,Pengcheng Gu,Ran Ma,Dongli Wei,Guixia  Zhao,Tao Wen,Riffat Jehan,胡保卫(2010000011),Xiangke Wang Journal of  Materials  Chemistry A 其它 2019-07-18 2050-7488 国外学术刊物
Discovery of a novel  Piscanivirus in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) 章晓栋(2010000844),刘晓瑜(2010001964),沈文英(2010000815),魏永伟(2017000102) INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION? 其它 2019-06-16 1567-1348
Highly U(VI) immobilization  on polyvinyl pyrrolidine intercalated molybdenum disulfide: Experimental and  computational studies Pengcheng Gu,Chaofeng Zhao,Tao Wen,Yuejie Ai,Sai  Zhang,Weiqiang Chen,Jian Wang,胡保卫(2010000011),Xiangke Wang CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNA 其它 2019-03-01 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
Smart construction of  mesoporous carbon templated hierarchical Mg-Al and Ni-Al layered double  hydroxides for remarkably enhanced U(VI) management Ling Yin,Yezi Hu,Ran Ma,Tao Wen,Xiangxue  Wanga,胡保卫(2010000011),Zhimin Yu,Tasawar Hayat,Ahmed Alsaedi,Xiangke Wang CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 其它 2019-10-01 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
(高被引)A novel multi-shelled  Fe3O4@MnOx hollow microspheres for immobilizing U(VI) and Eu(III) Shuang Song,Sai Zhang,Shuyi Huang,Rui Zhang,Ling Yin,Yezi  Hu,Tao Wen,Li Zhuang,胡保卫(2010000011),Xiangke Wang Chemical Engineering  Journal 高被引论文 2019-01-17 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
A novel multi-shelled  Fe3O4@MnOx hollow microspheres for immobilizing U(VI) and Eu(III) Shuang Song,Sai Zhang,Shuyi Huang,Rui Zhang,Ling Yin,Yezi  Hu,Tao Wena,Li Zhuang,胡保卫(2010000011),Xiangke Wang CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 其它 2019-01-17 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
(高被引)Plasma-enhanced  amidoxime/magnetic graphene oxide for efficient enrichment of U(VI)  investigated by EXAFS and modeling techniques 胡保卫(2010000011),Xiaojie Guo,Cong Zheng,Gang Song,Diyun  Chenc,朱余玲(2010000841),Xiaofei Song,Yubing Sun Chemical Engineering  Journal 高被引论文 2019-02-16 1385-8947
Plasma-enhanced  amidoxime/magnetic graphene oxide for efficient enrichment of U(VI)  investigated by EXAFS and modeling techniques 胡保卫(2010000011),Xiaojie Guo,Cong Zheng,Gang Song,Diyun  Chen,朱余玲(2010000841),Xiaofei Song,Yubing Sun CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 其它 2019-02-06 1385-8947 国外学术刊物
Molecular identification and  phylogenetic analysis of mitogenome of the Xenocypris davidi from Cao’e River 徐海方,朱银剑(2017000074),郑大恒(2010000832),杨受保(2010000828) Mitochondrial DNA Part B 其它 2019-10-27 2380-2359
Degradation of Azo Dye Acid  Orange 7 by Zero Valent Iron Activated with Potassium Persulphate 邱木清(2010000825) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-03-15 0972-6268
Adsorption Kinetics and  Isotherms of Copper Ion in Aqueous Solution by Bentonite Supported Nanoscale  Zero Valent Iron 张霁甘,邱木清(2010000825) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-03-12 0972-6268
Adsorption of Dye C.I.  Reactive Red 15 onto Montmorillonite: Kinetics and Adsorption Isotherms 黄承才(2010000819),邱木清(2010000825),鲍林发(2014000086),张浩 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 其它 2019-06-15 0972-6268
Identification and  phylogenetic analysis of the mitogenome from Acrossocheilus wenchowensis 韩继卫(2010001553),杨受保(2010000828) Mitochondrial DNA Part B 其它 2019-03-22 2380-2359
三角帆蚌dPGAM基因的克隆与表达分析 杨受保(2010000828) 核农学报 一级期刊 2019-08-01 1000-8551
Positive Regulation of the  Transcription of AchnKCS by a bZIP 韩雪源(2019000026),茅林春,卢文静,魏肖鹏,应铁进,罗自生 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 其它 2019-06-20 0021-8561
浙江镜湖湿地3种菌根植物根部真菌群落多样性及对金属元素富集能力的研究 王晔,李航,汤宇,单梦乐,张飞燕,孙立夫(2010000823),张艳华(2010000817) 植物研究 核心期刊(北大版) 2019-10-21 1673-5102 国内学术刊物
Diversity of root associated  fungi of Rhododendron simsii in subtropical forests: fungal communities with  high resistance to anthropogenic disturbances. 张艳华(2010000817),汤访评(2010000820),倪坚(2010000818),董丽佳(2016000049),孙立夫(2010000823) Journal of Forestry Research 其它 2019-10-09 1007-662X
Overexpression of CBL  interacting protein kinase 2 improves plant tolerance to salinity and mercury 潘伟槐(2010000811),Z.Z. ZHENG,X. YAN,J.Q.  SHEN,寿建昕(2010000836),L.X. JIAN,J.W. PAN BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 其它 2019-02-15 0006-3134 国外学术刊物



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