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Decontamination of Sr(II) on  Magnetic Polyaniline/Graphene Oxide Composites: Evidence from Experimental,  Spectroscopic, and Modeling Investigation 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅰ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),邱木清(2010000825),胡清远,孙玉兵,盛国栋(2012000052),胡君,马静远 Ⅰ区 SCI(2017) ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Ⅰ区
Macroscopic and spectroscopic  insights into the mutual interaction of graphene oxide, Cu(II), and Mg/Al  layered double hydroxides 科研论文 期刊论文 化学化工学院 Ⅰ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),黄承才(2010000819),李雪(2010001549),盛国栋(2012000052),李晖(2012000055),任雪梅,马静远,王津,黄宇营 Ⅰ区 SCI(2017) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Ⅰ区
Macroscopic and spectroscopic  studies of the enhanced scavenging of Cr(VI) and Se(VI) from water by  titanate nanotube anchored nanoscale zero-valent iron 科研论文 期刊论文 化学化工学院 Ⅰ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),陈国和(2010000827),金城安(2016000031),胡君,黄承才(2010000819),盛江,盛国栋(2012000052),马静远,黄宇营 Ⅰ区 SCI(2017) JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Ⅰ区
New insights into Th(IV)  speciation on sepiolite: Evidence for EXAFS and  modeling investigation 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅰ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,陈成广,孙玉兵,许笛,盛国栋(2012000052) Ⅰ区 SCI(2017) CHEM ENG J Ⅰ区
X-ray absorption fine  structure study of enhanced sequestration of U(VI) and Se(IV) by  montmorillonite decorated zerovalent iron nanoparticles 科研论文 期刊论文 化学化工学院 Ⅰ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),叶锋(2015000034),任雪梅,赵东林,盛国栋(2012000052),李晖(2012000055),马静远,王祥科,黄宇营 Ⅰ区 SCI(2017) Environmental Science Nano Ⅰ区
Carp edema virus, an emerging  threat to the carp (Cyprinus carpio) industry in China 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 章晓栋(2010000844),沈文英(2010000815) Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) AQUACULTURE Ⅱ区
Decontamination of U(VI) from  nZVI/CNF composites investigated by batch, spectroscopic and modeling  techniques 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),梅雪,李雪,胡君,许笛,马静远,黄宇营 Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Ⅱ区
Macroscopic and microscopic  investigation on adsorption of Sr(II) on sericite 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,许笛,陈成广 Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS Ⅱ区
Rapid and highly efficient  removal of Eu(III) from aqueous solutions using graphene oxide 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,李雪,潘慧,唐晓萍,陈成广,黄承才(2010000819) Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) J MOL LIQ Ⅱ区
The adsorption of U(VI) on  carbonaceous nanofibers: A combined batch, EXAFS and modeling techniques 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,许笛,陈成广 Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Ⅱ区
The effects of different  human disturbance regimes on root fungal diversity of Rhododendron ovatum in  subtropical forests of China 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅱ区 理工类 张艳华(2010000817),倪坚(2010000818),汤访评(2010000820),郭天荣(2010000822),孙立夫(2010000823) Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE  RECHERCHE FORESTIER Ⅱ区
The enhancement roles of  layered double hydroxide on the reductive immobilization of selenate by  nanoscale zero valent iron: Macroscopic and microscopic approaches 科研论文 期刊论文 化学化工学院 Ⅱ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),叶锋(2015000034),金城安(2016000031),马向贤,黄承才(2010000819),盛国栋(2012000052),马静远,王祥科,黄宇营 Ⅱ区 SCI(2017) CHEMOSPHERE Ⅱ区
Diversity of root-associated  fungi of Vaccinium mandarinorum along a human disturbance gradient in  subtropical forests, China 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅲ区 理工类 张艳华(2010000817),倪坚(2010000818),汤访评(2010000820),孙立夫(2010000823) Ⅲ区 SCI(2017) Journal of Plant Ecology-UK Ⅲ区
Effect of various  environmental factors on the adsorption of U(VI) onto biochar derived from  rice straw 科研论文 期刊论文 绍兴文理学院 Ⅲ区 理工类 董丽佳(2016000049),令狐文生(2010000847),王林霞(2010001499) Ⅲ区 SCI(2017) JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Ⅲ区
Modification of Cotton Fabric  by Mussel-Inspired for Oil/Water Separation 科研论文 期刊论文 绍兴文理学院 Ⅲ区 理工类 梁丽萍(2014000062),孟旭(2014000063) Ⅲ区 SCI(2017) FIBER POLYM Ⅲ区
Adsorption of Dye in Aqueous  Solution by the Waste Polymer Activated Carbon 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 EI 理工类 韩丽(2010001910),刘健康,楼小杰,邱木清(2010000825),宋江平,李鹏 EI(2017) Nature  Environment  and  Pollution  Technology EI
Determination of  Cyclopiazonic Acid in Chinese Yellow Wine by High-Performance Liquid  Chromatography–Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry 科研论文 期刊论文 绍兴文理学院 Ⅳ区 理工类 彭祺(2014000070),孙剑秋(2010000842),罗文(2010000143),田润刚(2010000812) Ⅳ区 SCI(2017) JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN Ⅳ区
Graphene  oxide as a novel adsorbent for highly  efficient removal of UO2 2+ from water 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅳ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,李雪,潘慧,黄承才(2010000819) Ⅳ区 SCI(2017) DESALIN WATER TREAT Ⅳ区
High-efficient capture of  C.I. Basic Blue 3 by carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin conjugated magnetic  composite 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅳ区 理工类 胡保卫(2010000011),胡清远,胡君,陈成广 Ⅳ区 SCI(2017) Desalination and Water Treatment Ⅳ区
Improving preservation  effects of Taiwan jujube fruits by using chitosan coating combined with  ascorbic acid during postharvest period 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 一级期刊 理工类 莫亿伟(2013000030),王海(2012000048),张耀红(2014000083) 农业工程学报 一级期刊
Kinetic and thermodynamic  studies on the adsorption of zinc ions from aqueous solution by the blast  furnace slag 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 EI 理工类 邱木清(2010000825),黄埔 EI(2017) Nature Envionment and Pollution Technology EI
Removal of high concentration  of ammonia from wastewater by the ion exchange resin 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 EI 理工类 邱木清(2010000825),胡春霞,刘健康,陈成广,楼小杰 EI(2017) Nature Environment and Pollution Technology EI
The Influence of the  Coexisting Anions on the Adsorption of Perchlorate by the Modified Orange  Peels 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 EI 理工类 邱木清(2010000825),胡春霞,梅安云,楼小洁 EI(2017) Nature  Environment  and  Pollution  Technology EI
Ultrastructural and  immunocytochemical analysis of circulating hemocytes from Cherax  quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅳ区 理工类 曾文涛(2011090071),罗文(2010000143),弭忠祥(2010000810),施戈韬(2015000070) Ⅳ区 SCI(2017) INDIAN J ANIM RES Ⅳ区
Identification and  phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Squalidus sp.SX0527  (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 Ⅲ区 理工类 杨受保(2010000828) Ⅲ区 SCI(2017) Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. Ⅲ区
变电站吸隔声屏体的研发及工程实践 科研论文 期刊论文 绍兴文理学院 核心期刊(浙大版) 理工类 梁丽萍(2014000062) 环境工程学报 核心期刊(浙大版)
不同处理对桃形李采后病原菌的防治效果 科研论文 期刊论文 金沙娱场城1991 核心期刊(浙大版) 理工类 莫亿伟(2013000030),李银平(2014000021) 热带作物学报 核心期刊(浙大版)
江苏省高速公路服务区污水处理现状及解决对策 科研论文 期刊论文 绍兴文理学院 核心期刊(浙大版) 理工类 梁丽萍(2014000062) 中国给水排水 核心期刊(浙大版)



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