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发布者:    发布时间: 2015-02-05   点击:[]

序号 论文题目 作者 刊物名称 刊物级别 发表日期
1 Growth and mortality of two small fishes, Toxabramis swinhonis Günther, 1873 and Hyporhamphus intermedius (Cantor, 1842), in a Yangtze shallow lake (China) assessed by length frequency analysis 曾文涛 Journal of Applied Ichthyology Ⅳ区 2014-09-30
2 两种麝鼩的核型和G-带研究 蔡灵超,叶建平等 绍兴文理学院学报 一般期刊 2014-06-01
3 绍兴镜湖湿地国家公园植物资源现状调查 王海 绍兴文理学院学报 一般期刊(绍兴文理学报) 2014-06-20
4 The performance of species mixtures in nitrogen and phosphorus removal at different hydraulic retention time 王海,黄承才等 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Ⅳ区 2014-06-28
5 环境科学专业《普通生物学实验》教学改革与实践 任岗,金叶飞等 实验科学与技术 一般期刊 2014-06-01
6 Occurrence of bisphenol A in surface and drinking waters and its physicochemical removal technologies 梁丽萍等 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China 其它 2014-03-20
7 纳米零价铁去除地下水中 亚硒酸盐的动力学及机理 梁丽萍等 哈尔滨工业大学学报 核心期刊(浙大版) 2014-06-01
8 Weak magnetic field significantly enhances selenite removal kinetics by zero valent iron 梁丽萍等 WATER RESEARCH 权威刊物 2014-01-01
9 Coupled effects of aging and weak magnetic fields on sequestration of selenite by zero-valent iron 梁丽萍等 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 其它 2014-05-07
10 Expansion, characterization, and differentiation of rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in serum-free medium 金立方,倪坚等 Animal Cells and Systems Ⅳ区 2014-08-01
11 Low concentration of Cr(VI) inhibited proliferation and self-renewal of hepatic stem/progenitor cells by suppressing Wnt signaling activity 金立方,倪坚等 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Ⅳ区 2014-08-01
12 Calcium Signaling is Involved in Negative Phototropism of Rice 莫亿伟等 Rice science 一级期刊 2014-01-18
13 Aluminum and Cadmium Forms in Stressed Rhizosphere Soil and Their Bioavailability to Two Hordeum vulgare L. Varities 郭天荣等 CLEAN-Soil Air Water? 其它 2014-06-17
14 Characterization of a novel carbonic anhydrase from freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii and its expression profiles in response to environmental conditions 任岗等 Gene Ⅳ区 2014-05-20
15 Characterization of α-amylase gene HcAmy in the freshwater pearl mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii: Effects of algae feeding on gene expression and enzyme activity. 任岗等 Genetics and Molecular Research Ⅳ区 2014-08-01
16 Investigation on the mechanisms for biotransformation of saponins to diosgenin 朱余玲等 WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY 其它 2014-01-16
17 鸡毛降解菌的分离鉴定 陈芳芳,尹军霞,沈国娟等 黑龙江畜牧兽医 核心期刊 2014-06-06
18 The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Margaritiana dahurica Middendorff 杨受保,弭忠祥等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-03-11
19 Ospin1a基因在水稻植株不同组织表达与定位研究 莫亿伟等 生物技术 核心期刊 2014-02-01
20 低温对不同耐寒性橡胶树叶片搞氧化能力的影响 莫亿伟等 西北植物学报 核心期刊 2014-02-20
21 Os pin1a gene participaties inregulationg negative phototropism of rice roots 莫亿伟,王海等 Rice science 一级期刊 2014-03-28
22 杜鹃花菌根真菌454焦磷酸测序的样品制备 倪坚,张艳华,汤访评等 东北林业大学学报 核心期刊(浙大版) 2014-05-01
23 Treatment of the azo dye in the solution by fenton-SBR process 邱木清,寿建昕等 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Ⅳ区 2014-06-26
24 Degradation of organic compounds by fluidized bed fenton process 邱木清,寿建昕等 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Ⅳ区 2014-06-27
25 A comparative study of the azo dye reactive black 5 degradation by UV/TiO2 and photo-fenton processes 邱木清,寿建昕等 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Ⅳ区 2014-06-27
26 Effect of photosynthetic bacteria on water quality and microbiota 沈文英等 World J Microbiol Biotechnol Ⅳ区 2014-07-30
27 Molecular Characterization and Expression Pattern of a Liver-Expressed 任岗,沈文英等 Aquaculture research & development 境外期刊 2014-05-30
28 Identification and analysis of the mitogenome of Sarcocheilichthys parvus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 郑大恒,杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-10-30
29 A Novel Metallothionein Gene from Mussel Hyriopsis cumingii: Identification and Expression under Lanthanum Exposure 杨受保等 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Ⅳ区 2014-06-26
30 The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Microphysogobio tafangensis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-03-28
31 Description and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Pseudobagrus ondon Shaw (Siluriformes; Bagridae). 杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-04-30
32 Identification of the mitogenome of Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). 谷江稳,杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-05-21
33 Sequencing, description and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Sarcocheilichthys sinensis sinensis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-06-27
34 Identification and phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Squalidus sp.SX0527 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-06-25
35 Sequence identification and description of the mitochondrial genome of Abbottina rivularis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 谷江稳,杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-08-20
36 Determination of the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of mussel Cristaria plicata (Leach) 杨受保等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-09-10
37 Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Hemibarbus sp.090914 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) 杨受保,谷江稳等 Mitochondrial DNA Ⅳ区 2014-10-30
38 南方红豆杉内生真菌的多样性与群落结构 臧威,孙剑秋等 应用生态学报 一级期刊 2014-07-15



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