近期,我校金沙娱场城1991罗育发教授课题组联合中国科学院动物研究所李枢强研究员团队在动物学领域Top期刊Zoological Research(SCI双一区)发表研究论文“Indian monsoon drove the dispersal of the thoracica group of Scytodes spitting spiders”。论文第一作者为罗育发教授,通讯作者为李枢强研究员,第一完成单位为绍兴文理学院。



在狼蛛科豹蛛属蜘蛛动物地理学研究方面,罗育发教授课题组研究发现草地扩张是促进全球豹蛛多样性分化的重要环境因素,相关成果以“Grassland expansions promoted global diversification of the Pardosa wolf spiders during the late Cenozoic (Araneae, Lycosidae)”为题发表在Zoosystematics and Evolution(SCI二区)(图4)。(文章链接:https://zse.pensoft.net/article/128885)

在星豹蛛群体遗传学研究方面,罗育发教授课题组阐明了东亚星豹蛛种群的谱系地理格局及其形成机制,相关成果以“Population genetic structure and demographic history of the East Asian wolf spider Pardosa astrigera”为题发表在Zoosystematics and Evolution(SCI二区)(图5)。(文章链接:https://zse.pensoft.net/article/125246)

罗育发,教授,中国动物学会蛛形学专业委员会委员,绍兴市鉴湖流域湿地生物多样性重点实验室负责人,主要从事动物学的教学与科研工作,研究方向为蜘蛛生物地理学,主持或完成国家自然科学基金项目4项(32170463,31860602,31660611,31460554),近年来以第一作者在Systematic Biology,Ecography,Cladistics,Zoological Research等进化和生态学顶级期刊发表多篇研究论文。
Luo Yufa, Seok Ping Goh, Daiqin Li, Marcelo O. Gonzaga, Adalberto J. Santos, Akio Tanikawa, Hajime Yoshida, Charles Haddad, Laura J. May-Collado, Matjaž Gregorič, Eva Turk, Matjaž Kuntner, Agnarsson Ingi. 2020. Global diversification of Anelosimus spiders driven by long distance overwater dispersal and Neogene climate oscillations. Systematic Biology, 69(6):1122–1136. [SCI一区Top(国际顶级期刊), IF 2021 = 15.683]
Luo Yufa, Li Shuqiang. 2023. Global expansion of a solitary-social tropical spitting spider shaped by multiple long-distance dispersals. Ecography, 2023(3):1–13. [SCI一区Top, IF = 6.802]
Luo Yufa, Li Shuqiang. 2022. The stepwise Indian-Eurasian collision and uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau drove the diversification of high-elevation Scytodes spiders. Cladistics, 38(5): 582-594. [SCI一区Top, IF = 4.714]
Luo Yufa, Li Shuqiang. 2024. Indian monsoon drove the dispersal of the thoracica group of Scytodes spitting spiders. Zoological Research, 45(1) 152-159. [SCI一区, IF = 4.900]
Luo Yufa, Li Shuqiang. 2018. Cave Stedocys spitting spiders illuminate the history of the Himalayas and Southeast Asia. Ecography, 41: 414–4230. [SCI一区Top, IF = 6.802]
编辑:赵晗宇 严许媖