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新西兰科学院高级研究员Steven Wakelin、新西兰森林研究所薛建明博士来院交流

发布者:    发布时间: 2018-04-20   点击:[]



410日,应学院邀请,新西兰科学院高级研究员Steven Wakelin、新西兰森林研究所薛建明博士来院作交流并作学术报告,Steven Wakelin作了题为“Soil microbiology: opportunities for productive land use”学术报告,薛建明博士作了“Ecological and environmental impacts of long-term biosolids application in a pine forest in New Zealand”,报告会后,学院师生就相关问题与Steven Wakelin研究员和薛建明博士进行了深入探讨。




Dr. Steven Alan Wakelin


Dr Wakelin is a senior scientist and research team leader at Scion Research. His primary area of expertise is soil microbiology with a focus on soil-microbiology-plant interactions that underpin biogeochemical cycling of major nutrients and plant health. He has skills in molecular (DNA / RNA) methods to detect and measure soil icrobiota involved in key ecosystem functions affecting soil fertility and plant disease, and assessing the ecological links and drivers between key microbial communities and ecosystem function. While on part-time secondment to AgResearch, he leads a ulti-organisational MBIE programme on ‘increasing biological nitrogen supply in pastures by “Improving forage legume-rhizobia performance”.  


Dr. Xue Jianming


NZ Director for the China-New Zealand Joint Laboratory for Soil Molecular Ecology between Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Scion.Editors for Journal of Soils and Sediments; Forest Ecosystems; Journal of Forestry Research.President, New Zealand–China Society of Science, Technology and Education. Researches focus on biosolids reuse for improving soil quality and forest productivity by developing sustainable land application of biosolids, and the long-term site productivity and sustainability of plantation forests by selecting appropriate genotypes to match site resources and by developing a site-specific fertiliser decision making support system.




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